Joined Up Films / ABC

DESCRIPTION: Charismatic astronomer Greg Quicke takes us on the ultimate guided tour of the southern sky, using his remarkable life story to help reveal unseen connections between the everyday world around us and the stars above.
FORMAT: Sony F55 with Canon CineZoom (17-120mm) captured daylight sequences, and 2x low light Sony a7sII with fast Zeiss and Sigma Art series primes were utilised for night time sequences. A Phantom 4 Pro drone was employed for all drone sequences. For Greg's sequences under the starfields, we composited two Sony a7s cameras together from a two camera rig - one focused and exposed on the starfield, and other focused and exposed for Greg - this allowed Greg to talk to the audience in real time about actual stars around him - and for us to show with stunning clarity the star fields of the night skies.
Joined Up Films / SBS / NiTV